Jewelry Care Resources Directory

How to Clean and Take Care of Your Jewelry

It is a good idea to always separate your real jewelry from your fake. Then put your necklaces with your necklaces, your bracelets with your bracelets, your rings with rings, and so on. Be sure to keep an eye on your necklaces because they tend to get tangled up. If you do not want to deal with untangling your necklaces then hang your necklaces if your jewelry box has a place to hang your necklaces.

There are several ways you can clean your jewelry and keeping your jewelry clean. There are chemical that you can purchase from jewelry stores, you can use a cloth, or you can simply use a toothpaste. Of all of these the toothpaste is the least expensive and the most effective when it comes to cleaning your jewelry. Toothpaste will not harm your jewelry in any way. If you have rings that have gem stones on them and you see that your stone is becoming cloudy, it is because of your hand creams, dirt, lint, and soap buildup. This happens to a lot of rings, so do not get upset if your gemstone is becoming unnoticeable. You can easily reverse this and allow your rings to shine again.

If you own a pearl, mother of pearl, or an opal stone then it is best to buy the jewelry cloth from your jeweler and clean it with that. But with other rings that have a diamond, or a faux gem on it, then it will be easier to clean with toothpaste with a small brush. Always remember to clean and rinse your jewelery well with cold water. If you do not rinse your jewelry well any cleaner that you used on your jewelry, the cleaner you used will leave a yellow residue on your stones.

Your necklaces will be one of the hardest jewelry to clean in your jewelry box because they are very fragile. The best thing you can use on your necklace to clean it is a cloth or jewelry cleaner. When you're cleaning your necklace be careful not to get aggressive and irritated with your necklace because you might end up breaking it into two pieces. Most jewelry cleaners will make it easier for you to clean your necklace but the only thing you need to keep in mind is that the jewelry cleaner is not going to buff your necklace, which means you will not get that original shine back into your necklace. The cloth will help you get the shine back into your necklace but you need to be very careful while cleaning. One of the reasons necklace's might get dirty is because it is usually around your neck and it is exposed to perspiration more than any of your other jewelry.

Most bracelets are very low maintenance. They do not get dirty or discolored as much as your other jewelry but the one problem that most people will experience is that bracelets will normally get scratched, dented, or bent. If you would like to avoid these problem's on your bracelet then try getting a bracelet that is flexible and moves with you.





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